What is a “Web Based Software”?
Web based software is an application that runs on a computer connected to the Internet, while users connect to it from their computers/mobile devices through internet browser. It is used by consumers and businesses alike webmail, social networking sites and online shops are used by most of us. Business services are also very popular: from super shops to online collaboration, accounting and CRM.
Compared to desktop software, web based applications provide a whole range of business benefits. Instead of having to individually install on each device that you wish to access it from, these applications can be accessed through any computer using internet. The use of web based application is commonly called “Software as a Service (SaaS)”; where apps run on a virtual, cloud-based environment; for example, the introduction of cloud based email platforms has enabled users to access email on the go without installing a desktop email client. SaaS applications deliver tangible business benefits over pre installed software.

How is it beneficial?
I hear you ask
Here’s how
Web Based Software is Customizable:
Content within web based software can be easily customized for use on various devices, such as mobile devices, which makes the software user-friendly and fairly easy to use since the display of information can be altered accordingly. In fact, it is actually easier to customize web based application than it is for standard desktop software. Web based software can also be responsive to change based on the browser. This supports mobile working and also ensures employees have the software at their reach on demand.
It’s very Flexible:
Web based application is far greater in terms of flexibility with other systems than desktop software. Compared to web based applications localized software is isolated. It’s because web applications can be linked together more easily than two completely separate systems.
Web Based Software is Easier to Maintain:
Deploying SaaS applications is a simple process to roll out across the business. Once access is granted the software is installed onto the host server. Whenever there is an upgrade it can be applied through the host server without the need to upgrade every device individually . This means upgrades or new software are implemented more easily and maintenance can be carried out through a central point. Changes become time efficient and the system becomes consistent.
More Scalability:
YES! Just like upgrades, it is also simple to increase the application’s capacity to grow with your business. Web based application can facilitate it, should you require more processes to happen simultaneously. In addition, if issues occur, complete server replacement can be done without any effect on the operating system. This decreases any downtime that you may experience otherwise.
Protected Data:
Web based software offer a well secured way of accessing centralized data. Only the person/team in charge will have the direct access to the servers. The use of cloud computing makes it easy to fully replicate the servers to prevent any downtime as a result of a disaster. This avoids the need of maintaining security of each and every device using the software. Overall, the risk of unauthorized access is reduced and putting security measures in place is simpler, since it is done centrally.
Web based applications could offer a range of benefits to your business. The easy initial development and growth make them worthwhile to manage, as well as providing flexible working to your employees.
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